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Legal notice

Legal notice and general conditions

Information about the owner of the page

The owner of this page is Somos Sinapsis SL, with CIF B66099763, registered in the commercial registry of Barcelona,  T 43906, F 114, S 8, HB 441498, I/A 3(15.11.13), with headquarters at Calle Tamarit nº 99, Low Local 1, 08015 Barcelona.

You can contact the owner of the page at the email or at the following postal address: C/ Tamarit nº 99, Low Local 1, 08015 Barcelona.

About the use of this page

By the fact of using this page - thus becoming a user - it is understood that you have read this legal notice and that you accept the general conditions it contains. Specifically, as a user you guarantee that you have the age and legal capacity necessary to be able to be here and use our services.

If we believe that you are not old enough, we may ask you to verify it for us by any means of proof; otherwise, and in order not to violate any law, we will be forced to paralyze any legal relationship with you.

These general conditions may change without prior notice (although when that happens, we will publish it on our blog). If you use our services after that change, it will be understood that you also accept it.

The links on this page may be directed to websites managed by third parties. Naturally, we have no control over what these pages say or do, so we cannot be held responsible in any way for such content that is not our own.

In principle, this page should work constantly, but we are not responsible if this is not possible due to causes beyond our control (service interruptions, catastrophes,...) or when periodic maintenance of the page is being carried out.

On the misnamed “intellectual and industrial property”

The written content of this page is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. This means that anyone can copy it freely and without asking our permission. All you have to do is mention the authors, not use the text for commercial purposes, and share the text under the same license (BY-NC-SA). For more information about this license, you can visit this link:

The logo of We are Sinapsis SL, as well as said name and the domain and and are indeed protected by the laws traditionally called “intellectual and industrial property”. You cannot use the logo, the name Somos Sinapsis or the domains mentioned without our permission. If you want to use it in good faith, please contact us; the safest thing is that we give him that permission.

The illustrations and images used on the page are the property of their respective authors. In cases where we use images from third parties with an attribution obligation, we include a link with the author attribution. If you want to use those images, it's a good idea to follow that link to see what conditions you can do it under.

If you, as a user, include protected cultural material on the web (for example, through comments on the blog), we will understand that this guarantees that you are its legitimate owner or have been authorized to do so.

About the legal contents of this page

The texts that we put here publicly are indicative. They should not be taken literally as they are general documents; may not be applicable to the specific case. Our intention is that they can be used as an orientation guide for most cases. If you would like to have more personalized information focused on your case, we recommend that you speak with us or with the attorney of your choice.

About the content of the comments

Users of this page can put comments on the different entries of our blog. These comments will not be published automatically, but will be subject to a moderation process.

We will not publish (or even delete after publication) comments that go against the law, against the dignity of people or institutions, comments that are mere advertising, that are harmful or any other that we do not consider appropriate.

In general, we will not use this right of veto -because we do not like it-, but we must warn that, if necessary, we will go to this extreme. Of course, if we have to delete or censor a comment, that will not entitle us to any type of compensation.

When posting a comment you can do so under your real name or under a pseudonym ("nick"). The name you use, of course, may not violate the rights of third parties (for example, trademarks or names of other people). If you do, we will have to delete your comments.

About viruses and other malicious programs

Although we take all the measures in our power to avoid risks, the technique sometimes goes faster than the users. That is why we cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the activation or download of malicious programs. We recommend that you have your own protection programs activated.

About our prices and hiring policy

The prices that we publish on our page do not include applicable taxes (as noted where appropriate). As these are services, there is no applicable shipping cost, nor is there the possibility of a return. The obligations when contracting services with us are governed by Spanish law; among other regulations, the Civil Code, the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and the corresponding provisions regarding consumers and users. We will make contractual communications in Spanish.

About the applicable law

In everything that is not detailed in this legal notice, Spanish legislation will apply and, specifically, that of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. By accepting these general conditions, it is understood that in the event of any conflict arising, you waive your jurisdiction (the Courts that would normally correspond to you) and that you submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.