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Kyoto Appliances

Reference in the sector of the sale of household appliances

Kyoto Appliances It begins its journey with a large sales area in C/ Cartagena in Barcelona at the end of the 90's.

A reference in the sector of the electrical channel and new technologies, the main manufacturers seek to be present in the commercial area of ​​Kyoto since its inception.

Years after Kyoto Electrodomesticos achieved this position, the companies that make it up began a process of expansion. Catalonia and Andalusia are the geographical areas selected for this purpose.

In 2017, there are 37 Kyoto Electrical Appliances points of sale that are distributed throughout Catalonia, where there are 30 of them and 7 in Andalusia.

Strategic agreements with the best brands, a team of professionals always up to date with the latest advances and a different marketing strategy keep them 30 years later at the top of their game.

They have trusted us to continue growing:

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