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Agile Analytics

Like the rest of the Agile services, this one aims to give you access to a equipment or consultant, so that they can work on your project as if they were just another member of your team. Although the specific scope and/or objective for the project will be defined (for example, what eCommerce, domains, tools or businesses it is intended for), we we will order de perform all necessary tasks within the established framework for the project to work.

The general objective of this type of project will always be, in chronological order:

  • Decide what information/data are relevant to the project.
  • Get that data in a simple and sustainable way.
  • Achieve portray that data so that its visualization is clear and illustrative.
  • conduct a Insights of objective information.
  • Collect all the conclusions and NEW PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT in a deliverable, either periodic or made on demand.




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