eAssistants - Online customer service
Good customer is one of the keys to the success of any business, whether online or traditional, as well as being the main piece of the Relational marketing. It is not only important after having made a sale (after-sales service). Offering support before and during the purchase (or conversion) process can be crucial for any business. Advise our future client, helping him to choose, assess and decide. In short, the important thing is that your user has at all times the feeling that "there is someone there" ready to serve them.
This occurs naturally in any conventional business, through the staff that attends to the needs of the client from the moment he enters until he leaves it. It is usually one of the great differences between conventional and online commerce, where the user does not usually receive a real-time assistance service.
The eAssistants of We’re Sinapsis
For all these reasons in We’re Sinapsis We have developed a specialized Relational Marketing service for Online businesses, which we have called eAssistant. Based on our own experience, especially in eCommerce issues, we have developed this new service whose secret is a team of people capable of giving Customer Support (client of our client) in a specialized way, with a "marketing" approach through which we help the user during their purchasing process, responding to doubts and questions of the first level directly and referring the most complex doubts to the appropriate department (or answering said doubts after a prior consultation with said department), and also attending to post-sale queries and doubts, thus resolving the possible incidents in late shipments, returns or others that may arise.
eAssistants achieve a direct improvement in the CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) of the business in question, whether eCommerce or another model, in addition to customer satisfaction and, with it, the possibility of repeat purchase, improving its Lifetime Value. We offer different types of service, according to the needs of each business, adapting to the profile of your client and their needs.