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Video production

It has been a long time since the Internet ceased to be “text”. Not so long ago it stopped being "just an image"... Now the language that is spoken is that of video. Social networks and platforms focused only on this format. Websites that explain their content in audiovisual format, Video Blogs, eCommerce with product video... Not to mention the possibility of carrying out campaigns in payment methods based on audiovisual pieces: TV spots that are no longer seen on TV, only on Youtube/Instagram etc…

But the rigidity of conventional video production companies, their rates and work methodology clashed time and time again with our concept. We proposed video, and these circumstances brought down, time and time again, the proposal and the concept. "It would have been great, but it's not feasible." So we decided: “Let's make it viable”, and so we created our own production company.

We have the technical material (latest generation), facilities and personl necessary to become your digital video production company. Our objective is not to produce for cinema or television, we produce for the Internet. Our content sells and, unlike the others, we measure those sales within the project as a whole.

Here goes our most precious video gallery

They have trusted to be more TOP...

HEY! You could also be part, do you dare?

Don't you believe us? Take a look at our success stories

We know that you are not going to read this, but… can you imagine that you also appear here?

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